Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements or to say dietary ingredients are an addition to one’s daily meal. They aim to cover the nutrient constituency of the human body. Dietary supplements can be availed in numerous forms such as tablets, liquids, capsules, and powders. The major dietary supplements include minerals, herbs, amino acids, and vitamins where each one of them has their own benefits.

Multivitamins are composed of minerals and vitamins. They combat deficiencies and are even prescribed in certain health crisis. Vitamin B for instance is the energy booster. Vitamin D caters to bone health, vitamin A caters to good eye health, while vitamin C is essential for strengthening one’s immunity.

Minerals, on the other hand have their own importance. Calcium is the most crucial mineral as it combines with vitamin D and takes care of your bone health. Iron is even medically prescribed to anaemic people. Folic acid is important for foetus development.

Amino acids are the next important dietary supplements. They are the building structures of protein. Amino supplements help in muscle synthesis, muscle repair, weight loss, and so much more.

Herein it is important to understand that dietary supplements are not drugs. They are just an extra dose of essential micro and macro nutrients.

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